Build a renderfarm (frameserver)


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Dirumah ada 1 pc jadul gak kepake. iseng ane oprek jadi renderfarm skala kecil hehehe have fun stuff. aplikasi yang ane coba. adobe premiere pro, adobe after effect, autodesk maya (build in backburner), cinema 4D (build in net render), render engine mental ray, vray, indigo render, etc. semua aplikasi itu cuman nge support platform windows. iseng ane running di linux pake crossover.

hasil iseng kemaren : * sori gak ada sekrin sutnya hihihi pisss

adobe premiere pro 2.0 : not working
adobe after effect : not working

cinema 4D : working but vga problem * grafisnya rada nge lag :(
cinema 4D net render server : working fine
cinema 4D net render client : working fine

autodesk maya : not yet tested

render engine :
- vray for cinema 4D : unknown, konon vrayforc4d butuh dependensi ms visual C++ distribution 2005, 2008, netframework 2.0, 3.5. berhubung belum tak coba jadi statusnya masih unknown (bisa jadi working fine, bisa jadi not working :)


by default adobe premiere pro gak support network render, namun setelah disesuatuin ada tiga cara ngerender via network. yang simple pake frameserver

Adobe after effect :


Free opensource render farm manager, job manager queue :

# DrQueue
Supported aplication : Blender, After effect, and more.

# Afanasy :
Afanasy is a free and open source tool to control remote computing. You can compute anything quicker using a render farm – remote computers connected by a network. Afanasy is designed for computer graphics (3d rendering and 2d compositing) parallel calculation. It can compute different frames (or even parts of frames) on several computers simultaneously.

Afanasy provides render farm monitoring. It is very important to watch computers resources during the render process. You can see what kind of resource (CPU, memory, network etc.) is needed to render. It is very useful to know what your farm hosts are doing. <- great opensource render farm!

# Arsenal Suite
Originally developed by Blur Studio, Arsenal was a replacement for 3dsmax’s BackBurner. It’s now a robust render management platform supporting many renderers, including 3dsmax, Maya, Houdini, 3delight, XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Shake and After Effects.

The core is written in C++ using Qt, and PyQt is used to extend Python interfaces. There are GUI tools to manage the queue, custom submitters for some packages, and a generic Python API for others.
Supported aplication : 3dsmax, Maya, Houdini, 3delight, XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Shake and After Effects.

# Sun Grid Engine
Grid Engine is software that facilitates “distributed resource management” (DRM). Far more than just simple load-balancing tools or batch scheduling mechanisms, DRM software typically provides the following key features across large sets of distributed resources.

Commercial :
untuk yang versi komersil ada beberapa yg cukup populer. diantaranya :

#Royal render
Supported aplication :
Softimage/XSI (FXTree, Arnold, VRay...)
Maya (mentalRay, VRay, Renderman, FinalRender, Maxwell, 3Delight...)
3ds max (all renderer)
Mental Ray Standalone (.mi files)
RenderMan Standalone (.rib files)
VRay Standalone (.vrscenes files)
Arnold Standalone (.ass files)
Mantra Standalone (.ifd files)
Maxwell Standalone (.mxs files)
After Effects

# Muster :
Muster is Virtual Vertex next generation render farm management system for film production, game development, and visual effect industry. Built on the top of state-of-the-art technologies coming from twelve years of developing and stress testing all around th world, Muster maximizes your render farm and let you
delegate the resources monitoring to a complete automated environment.
Made by dynamic fault tollerant services, it takes care of your farm by monitoring its usage, recovering from faults and even power off your racks when they are no longer needed.

# Deadline Thinderbox
Deadline is a hassle-free administration and rendering toolkit for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX based render farms. It offers a world of flexibility and a wide-range of management options for render farms of all sizes, and supports over 40 different rendering packages out of the box.

# Rush Network Render Queue
Rush is distributed network render queuing software catered to large and small computer graphics production and post-production facilities. The software manages distributed rendering, compositing, or other third party command line oriented rendering software (Maya, Softimage, Houdini, Renderman, Shake, etc) over small and large networks of Linux, Mac, Windows (Vista/XP/2K/NT), and SGI machines.. all can be either 32 or 64bit OS's. Rush is currently used in production on networks with over 500 hosts.

oh ya, Realflow, sideFX houdini juga working fine di linux. terakhir nyoba 1juta partikel programnya nggak crash. di windows max 300.000 partikel, lebih dari itu langsung kolaps. gak tau jg nih kenapa kog bis gitu, ntah windows ane yg enggak yahut ato gara2 ane pake aplikasi versi krek2an :hammer

render pake linux lebih stable, reliable.

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