Waktu itu iseng install app yang gak ada dipackage bawaan distro. terpaksa compile langsung dari file source codenya. nah, apesnya ditengah jalan terdapat sesuatu yang gak diharapkan. eaaaaaaaa ada masalah dengan dependencies library app yang bersangkutan gak mau kedetek pas diconfigure padahal udah ane install.
#tail -f config.log | grep not found
checking for libxzy >= 0.0.1... configure: error: xzy not found
Semua video dangdut koleksi ane convert ke format mp4 pake encapsulation video h264, audio HE-AAC v2. cuman vlc player bundle packagen versi baru kayak'e ada masalah hak paten codec, jadi beberapa codec yang not supported by default .
Ketika membicarakan online store akan muncul dua pertanyaan umum terlontar dibenak kita.
1. Tokonya terpercaya gak ya. (barang dikirim beneran atau tokonya asli ada)
2. Ntar kalo dah nyampe indo barangnya berurusan dengan aparat / instansi gak ya?
Kalo yang pertamax biasanya aku cuma pake feeling aja, kalo yakin yaudah tak transfer aja deh masalah barangnya dikirim beneran/enggak hasilnya kalo gak untung ya buntung(apes) heheheh.
Jika dirasa masih kurang yakin, bisa juga pakai jasa penerawangan paranormal setempat. saya rasa ide bagus. hahaha (eh.. kira2 bisa gak ya dukun nerawang ampe keluar negri sono. secara kena roaming gitu loh.hmmmm au ah gelap :)
Bahkan bulan purnama tak dapat menyempurnakan malam ini tanpa kamu disisiku.
Mega berlalu membuka tirainya. tersenyum kepada alam,” Selamat”, katanya.
Ketika itu Bulan hadirkan purnama tuk berkata selamat malam cinta... AELYN - Moonlight by AELYN
Glasnost tests work by measuring and comparing the performance of different application flows between your host and our measurement servers. The tests can detect traffic shaping in both upstream and downstream directions separately. The tests can also detect whether application flows are shaped based on their port numbers or their packets' payload
Judulnya sengaja tak bikin Lebay hahaha iseng aja. gak papah deh lanjut...
Berawal dari maraknya pemasangan keylogger diwarnet dan tempat umum lainya. entah apa tujuan oknum geje tersebut. banyak kasus pemasangan keyloger disalahgunakan untuk melihat username password account kemudian mengambil secara paksa chip milik orang lain. Mungkin saja karena chip poker laku dijual dan biasanya dipatok dengan harja 1M = 10rb perak (third party seller) bahkan bervariasi.
Project Powder is a game for both snowboarding pros and newbies alike. It contains the basic features to satisfy any snowboarder-wannabe. You're stuck with choosing from only three snowboarders, not really a superb lineup for an extreme sports game. The characters' fashion can be customized in the mall section of the game using coins you earn from all the game modes. A variety of shirts, jackets, shorts, pants, shoes, decks and headgears are available for "rent." The apparel you purchase is sadly limited to a number of days. If, however, Project Powder only had a select few rentables and more of the permanent apparel (like the rented ones have stat bonuses, while permanent ones are just eye candy), you won't have to feel the guilt of wasting time not playing the game just because all your items are ticking away. Money is hard to come by in this game. You can only gain a few hundred coins per race; very annoying if you need the bonuses from the clothing and deck that just expired.
The game characters are designed as future warriors. This is a PC game in which players can configure the powerful Thetas as they fight against Warlords. Theta Warrior is an addicting online game which needs to be played with strategy and you can customize it as well.
NOTICE: Due to service restrictions, new gPotato accounts must originate from the United States or Canada in order to play Aika Online. Accounts created from an IP address outside of this region will be blocked from logging into the game. Accounts that attempt to log into the game from outside of the US or Canada may be blocked from playing even if the account was created within the region of service.
ARGO combines great Fantasy- and futuristic Steampunk-Style elements into a bombastic Online RPG which teleports you into a post apocalyptic world with two races. The “Noblian” – apologists of technology and progress or the “Floresslah”, who are living in symbiosis with nature.
Alganon is a Free To Play fantasy-based MMORPG that allows thousands of people to play together in a virtual world that features a rich history dominated by commanding deities, powerful weapons and armor, deadly magic, epic quests, ancient places to discover, the utilization of detailed tradeskills, and more. Designed from scratch and based in a uniquely created world, the goal in designing Alganon is to provide "Simple Gameplay with Unlimited Growth in a massive world of immersion and interaction."
Download :
Official : http://installers.myalganon.com/AlganonDownloader.exe
2029 Online is a sci-fi based MMORPG. The story of 2029 Online centers around a galactic inter-species discord on an alien planet called Helen Continent. Conflict has become entrenched, as each culture refuses to back down and fights for its own survival and domination. As the foundations of justice and order crumble, a mass of brave people have risen up to defend peace on this war-stricken planet. As you progress in the game, you can easily develop your skills and gain a reputation as a raider of unique skill. If you hit a high level, you can run feral raids to solidify your heroic reputation, but remember, this MMO is not just about killing, but about fame and faith.
Download :
Official : http://2029.igg.com/download/downCnt.php?did=12
File Size : 341MB
K.O.S. (Kill On Sight) Secret Operations is a free-to-play multiplayer online first person shooter. With its Global Ranking System for bragging rights and an Online Clan System that allows friends from across the world to unite against their enemies, K.O.S. bring players together for the single purpose of FPS domination. Some of its key features:
Lost Saga is a gorgeously animated 3D Fighting MMO. Fans of fighting MMOs rejoice – Lost Saga is by far the most unique and ‘varied’ free-to-play fighting MMOs out there. It has over 100 playable ‘classes’ (only 23 currently available), all of which are distinctly different! With fast-paced gameplay, beautifully designed arenas, and many interesting game modes, Lost Saga is well worth checking out.
Farmerama adalah permainan browser gratis yang memungkinkan gamer untuk menjalankan pertanian dengan menyelesaikan pekerjaan seperti mengolah tanah, menanam pohon, menabur benih, memelihara hewan dan banyak lagi.Sekilas sih mirip harvestmoon, farmville gitu. Kalo suka coba aja deh
Game screenshoot : http://us.farmerama.bigpoint.com/?action=externalScreens
Game play : http://us.farmerama.bigpoint.com/?action=externalSignUp
Setelah netbook hp mini110-3014TU ane install winxp sp 2. masih ada driver wlan yang gak kedetek. dari official site hp dikasi link donlut ralink wlan driver abis itu ane install dan kemudian.. blahhh... tetep aja muncul unknown device network controller. Ujung ujungnya ya gitu deh, wifi gak bisa dipake. abis itu iseng ane inceng dan ternyata eh ternyata chipsetnya pake atheros gan. grrrRrRrr